
SUNDAY i went to hanxiong's hse to eat steamboat woa so happy coz all my best class mate from dover ite they all got cum accept 2 bryan and zhen zhong they nvr cum put us aeoplane nvm them we have a lot of fun there.. we mit at sun plaza shopping center then i han xiong his wife mei jun and yan hui we all go NTUC to buy food for then steam boat then after buying we went to take a bus sorry not went we ran to the bus coz its juz in time when we walk out of the shopping center the bus came so thats why we ran to the bus ha ha ha quite fun

then after that we reach hanxiong's hse unload everything and start get ready to prepare the food at abt 4 pm we rest for a while play some cards and at the same time i help hanxiong with his math question as he is studying part time in ngee ann poly same as me but i m full time his part time.

then abt 530pm eddy came we took some pic and abt 6 guorong and his gf came well every1 has reach and we start to eat at abt 615pm we chat and eat that is the best time i ever had so happy oh eddy's gf came abt 7 and sat together with us for the steam boat so fun. we finish the dinner at abt 8 plus plus then we went bck to the living room and start to gamble again ha ha ha oh and watch tv at the same time..

at abt 10 pm we left his hse and headed bck home thats is the best time i ever had hope we will have tis gathering soon thanks everyone that is the best time i have ever had


sian... 6 dec is my 1st day of sch in the 2nd semster... 1st i had my s&w i choose soft ball coz there got a lot of chio bu but all younger than me so more like xiao mei mei to me ha ha ha .... after that i went to blk 5 for lesson well all my lessons now at blk 5, blk 23 and blk 81 my prevous blk they all had to go for rebuilt due to old walls and wires they have to change all.... sad

but not bad i dont mind moving to blk 5 coz i can see more gals then at my old blk coz in my old blk i had to go SIM canteen so that i can see gals now no need coz its juz rite under my blk can see a lot liao ha ha ha....

gentlermen and ladies if u r studying in Ngee Ann poly pls dont go to canteen 2 (its near the swimming pool) to eat the western food coz their food taste bad and give u very small pis of meat and they juz give u 1 small pack of chill or tomato sauce if u ask for more they will say i had to give u 1 pack coz they have to cut cost... RUBBISH! talking rubbish they all better dont go eat from tat shop ok guys and ladies....


yah... today i went to malayisa by myself with 1 of my friend both of us we went to east plaza to c wherther got games and dvd o not well they dont have so we went to holiday plaza well there onli got 3 shops open for the dvd and the games i bought 6 ps2 games and my friend bought same 6 also the we went to the dvd shop i bought 1 dvd and my friend he bought 25 of then wao thats a lot ...

i want to buy the ra chinese movies but 2 bada they dont have so nvm after tat we went to the comic shop at the 3nd level...

in the shop there only got 2 ladies working 1 in her 18s adn other i think oround her 30's woa the young 1 keep following me oround the shop then nvm juz nice a customer ask her for asstance then i m quite happy at least no 1 disturb me but i speak too soon the older 1 cums and keep asking me to buy the poster which was very X... 1 big poster sells RM$10 and she say she nvr sells the poster juz like tat she say if i want to buy i have to buy the frame together and it cost in total RM$400++... sooo..... Xpensive...

at abt 215pm we went bck to the EAST PLAZA for lunch oh man worst thing is going to happen.. we went to the 3nd floor to have our lunch erk... the food cant make it the noodles ok the westen food so so only but the soup cannot make it taste like the soup oready expired long time ago... yuck...

we reach singapore about 3pm and we went to chong pang place where my uncle's shop is but i went there the shop oready close dwn so too bad... so we went oround to c the hp i wanted the nokia 6230 c hw much with out plan well i found 1 is S$550 quite cheap compare to other shop but i have to think about it 1st as i dont have much money left...

i reach hm about 4pm then stanght away i went to bed i was very tried liao slp untill now lor.. he he he quite fun today ha ha ha